To help defeat the new Sailor Scout SailorGalaxia come in the SailorStarlights. They like Galaxia are looking for the star seed and Princess Fireball who is there Princess and is NOT the Moon princess from before.When they are as their normal form they are actually Men and form a pop band called the three lights.There is a major tension between the Outer scouts and the SailorStarlights because the outer scouts have sworn to protect Earth from any intruders. From what i've heard was that SailorStarHealer is the Shortest one of them all but is the coolest and that SailorStarFighter has a crush on Serena.
These are the SailorStarlights in there normal forms. Right is SailorStarFighter then SailorStarHealer and then SailorStarMaker. This is SailorStarHealer This is SailorStarMaker This is SailorStarFighter